Yarn.co is a different type of search engine. Its main aim is to enable users to search and share their favorite video clips from movies, TV shows, and sometimes from music videos by quoting the key lines. Users just need to enter that particular line in the search bar, and there are displayed clips wherever that line has been quoted. The site catalogs thousands of clips, making it easy to revisit favorite scenes, then post back to their social platform of choice. The UI is designed to cater for those looking to pinpoint particular moments from an expanse of media speedily.
Yarn.co does more than help users find clips. It even encourages users to explore content through a number of categories and multiple tags, which makes it a really engaging tool for entertainment and discovery. Particularly, it is useful for people who make memes, fans who need to remember moments of their favorite series, or to anyone, actually, who needs to cite a source at discussions on media. The website is also the resource to make stories from clips, quizzes, memes, and more.