
Cleanmock is an online platform that provides designers and developers with high-quality mockups of different devices and screen sizes.




Cleanmock is an online platform that provides designers and developers with high-quality mockups of different devices and screen sizes. The platform offers a wide variety of mockups, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, all of which can be customized to fit specific design needs. Cleanmock offers a simple drag and drop interface, which allows users to easily upload their designs and preview them on a realistic device. With Cleanmock, users can create professional-looking mockups in minutes, saving valuable time and resources.

Cleanmock offers a range of features that make it a must-have tool for designers and developers. The platform offers high-resolution mockups that are suitable for both web and print, and users can customize the background color, add shadows and reflections, and even change the screen content to match their design. The platform also offers a variety of templates and presets to make the design process even faster and more efficient. Additionally, Cleanmock offers a free plan with limited features, as well as a paid plan with access to all features, making it accessible to designers and developers of all levels.